Park Ducks

 Something that always bugs me is park ducks. Not because I hate waterfowl and in fact, I love ducks and geese. I even own some like 2 Muscovy ducks and 3 African geese. The reason I dislike them is the concept of them existing where they are. Most waterfowl you see at the park are domestic ducks and geese. The way most these ducks and geese get to these parks they are released by people who cannot handle the care that ducks need or by people who have male ducks and do not want them (because most people do not want more than one male duck or because they are aggressive). The problem is most people see this as a moral act because they leave their duck free to swim to their life content. But in fact, it is a long shot from that. First, the predators that can easily catch and eat them because most domestic waterfowl cannot fly, and their food source relies completely on people and once that food source goes away in the winter they are doomed. Also, the environmental effects they have on the environment like the disease they carry, the hybridizations with wild ducks that completely mess up gene pool, and domestic Muscovy ducks themselves. Muscovy ducks are different from other ducks because they are actually good at surviving in the wild. They are able to fly and have some natural instincts like raising offspring without human intervention. This creates the perfect opportunity for an invasive species and in fact they are all across America, even in North Carolina. These ducks are known to kill small native ducks by drowning them trying to mate with them and out-competing other waterfowl because they bully all other ducks out their area.  
