DCCC online class

The day I’m writing this, Davidson County community college just went into online class, and I would like to give my opinions on it.  Personally for me I dislike online classes for a multitude of reasons .The first is information form class did not stick to me like for example last year when I was in high school and we had online classes most things that teachers were saying just went into one ear and past throw the other and I have no particular reason why it was so hard for me to remember things but I still passed the classes but really didn't learn thing at all in those classes. Another thing about online classes is the internet problems that I sometimes experience throughout the week in the morning and without internet sometimes it is really hard to get into online ZOOMs/google meets and even submitting tests on time when the internet would buffer. My final statement on my problems with online classes is the distractions at home like with the noise because I live on a small farm. I own a lot of different noisy animals and it is really hard to focus on the teacher and or the test I am currently taking with calls going on in the background. Overall, I hope I can just cope with new changes and still be successful for the next few weeks.


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