This week it snowed heavily in North Carolina. I have a love/hate relationship with snow, I do not absolutely hate snow and do not love it but more leaning to the negative. When snow first comes in the morning it looks beautiful without any mud or footprints on it. It makes your yard look like a wonderful nature photo. Another positive thing about snow is the days off school/work explicitly the snow we had this week seeing how severe it was. Now let us get to the negative. Once it is a few days into the snow days the snow starts to look horrible with mud and footprint all over the yard. The problem I have is living on a small farm. I must deal with all problems relating to snow like breaking the ice in water, removing snow on top of coops, making sure all coops dry, replacing hay, force opening frozen doors, feeding animals extra because of snow. The last negative about snow is the sheer cool it brings and being me, I am not cold natured. In general snow has some wonderful things about it but the negative in my eyes outweigh the positives in a lot of ways.  


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