Should I get Cat?

 Something that always appears when you are on a farm are pests like rodents. Mice have always been a problem, but traps have always been a way to get rid of them but recently the mice have started to learn how to avoid the traps. Every time I go out, I get more and more complex mouse traps that start to get a little expensive and eventually I will run out of traps to buy. Something that I thought about is poison but if I do that, I have a chance of somehow poisoning some of my animals or poisoning some wildlife that eats the dead mice. Something that I have started thinking about is getting a cat, one of the best biological weapons against mice. There is a cat that sometimes comes around my house but to be honest that cat sucks at hunting mice and it is more of a house cat than anything. I have had cats before in my past but raising a barn cat is a little different because you have to train it to always be around chickens/other barnyard animals and to be always hunting for food. One way I have seen this done is to raise kittens with chicks so that the kitten sees the chick as its own and therefore be more comfortable around chickens when they grow up and always use mouse toys instead of toys with feathers on them when you are playing with that they associate rodents as their main food source and not birds. When choosing a cat breed, it does not really matter to me because what is the difference, nothing much.


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