
Showing posts from January, 2022

Review of Pokémon legends Arcus

       Since January 30th I have been playing Pokémon legends Acrus and I would like to throw out some of my current thoughts on the game. One most important thing on my check list for this game is “will it be fun” and well yes. Since I started playing, I have actually had fun playing Pokémon and this has not actually happened since X and Y Pokémon games. The changes made to the Pokémon formula worked and worked GOOD. The animation of the people characters and the Pokémon themselves are great and the expressions given to them. They look like they actually have some soul to them. My last compliment I currently give to the game is there is some difficulty in the game and not just a walk through the park. Some of my current grievances with the game are graphics and the overall environment of the game. Most of the textures of the game look horrible, it looks like this game belongs on the Nintendo Wii of all things. The environment of this game just looks empty, it i...

January 28, 2022

  Today's date is January 28, 2022, and the significance of this date is the release date of the newest Pokémon game, Pokémon legends A rceus . From the few official trailers out there, this game is completely different from past Pokémon games from the last 25 years. It seems to be more of an action, adventurer, RPG. Since it will be a little bit before I get the game, I would like to map out my hopes for the game. One thing that Like to see in this game is a little less hand holding. There have been like 20 different Pokémon games through the years. I do not think that we need tutorials that lasts over 30 minutes about the basics of all Pokémon games. The second thing I hope for is graphics being a slight improvement from the last main line game. The last installment had some nice-looking graphics in some areas but in most spots in the game it looks like a blast from the past, as if you were playing on the PS2. My last hope and cope are the game having some difficulty. Most Poké...

Macuahuitl tail

Around a month ago a strange newly discovered dinosaur was dug up. Its name was Stegouros Elegassen meaning roof tail. This ankylosaurid (the heavily armored quadrupedal dinosaurs) was discovered in Chile and it lived around 72 million years ago during the Cretaceous period, but at the time it lived in Chile it was connected to antarctica. This ankylosaurid is the first ankylosaurus discovered in South America though to not exist on that continent and the one only ankylosaurus fossil that is up to 80% complete. But the main attraction I have to this new dinosaur is its tail and how close it looks to Macuahuitl. Macuahuitl is an ancient weapon used by Aztec warriors used to enforce heavy blunt force damage. The weapon was a wood club infused with sharp obsidian blades surrounding the edge of the club. Like convergent evolution, the biological weapon used by dinosaurs was later invented by humans to do almost the same thing it was used for 72 million years ago. Another thing that I fou...

The Start of Spring

The start of spring in around two months is the start of chick season. For me, choosing a new breed is key for egg production and diversity in the gene pool. For this year instead of getting chicks from the feed store I will order them online. For people who don’t know how this is possible, what these companies do is hatch chicks, transport them to holding boxes, move boxes to specially designed heated trucks, transport them to the closest post office in your area and then you go pick them up. That's just a simple explanation but you may be asking if they feed them on the way there, well  not  because they use the natural process called chicken biology. Once a chick hatches it carries a small amount of yoke in its stomach that was not used during its development in the egg and this yoke can last the chick 3 days without food or water ( if  shipment is delayed because of some unpredictable circumstances, they will give them food and water). The website I was planning ...

fowl play

A few months ago, I bought some new turkey poults, two black Spanish poults. These turkey poults were incredibly fun to raise since I raised them very differently from any other turkeys, I have raised considering I raised them more like pets rather than livestock. What I would do is teach them to recognize me by hand feeding them and holding them often and imitating turkey hen sounds so they recognize me as their mother. Once they were old enough and bonded to me, I taught them things they would normally learn in the wild like kind things to avoid like common predator like canids, how to fly  to  avoid those predators, what kind food you can eat, how defend themselves against smaller predators. One awkward thing that was difficult to teach them was how to perch because they always pace fences waiting for me to see them so they would never get on their perch at night, so what I would have to do at night is place them on their perch and sit there and make sure they would stay on...


This week it snowed heavily in North Carolina. I have a love/hate relationship with snow, I do not absolutely hate snow and do not love it but more leaning to the negative. When snow first comes in the morning it looks beautiful without any mud or footprints on it. It makes your yard look like a wonderful nature photo. Another positive thing about snow is the days off school/work explicitly the snow we had this week seeing how severe it was. Now let us get to the negative. Once it is a few days into the snow days the snow starts to look horrible with mud and footprint all over the yard. The problem I have is living on a small farm. I must deal with all problems relating to snow like breaking the ice in water, removing snow on top of coops, making sure all coops dry, replacing hay, force opening frozen doors, feeding animals extra because of snow. The last negative about snow is the sheer cool it brings and being me, I am not cold natured. In general snow has some wonderful things about...

DCCC online class

The day I’m writing this, Davidson County community college just went into online class, and I would like to give my opinions on it.   Personally for me I dislike online classes for a multitude of reasons .The first is information form class did not stick to me like for example last year when I was in high school and we had online classes most things that teachers were saying just went into one ear and past throw the other and I have no particular reason why it was so hard for me to remember things but I still passed the classes but really didn't learn thing at all in those classes. Another thing about online classes is the internet problems that I sometimes experience throughout the week in the morning and without internet sometimes it is really hard to get into online ZOOMs/google meets and even submitting tests on time when the internet would buffer. My final statement on my problems with online classes is the distractions at home like with the noise because I live on a small ...