Tregembo Animal Park
Every year me and my family always go to the beach right after the end of school. For me my favorite part of going to the beach is the way there, I love seeing all the sights and stops going to the beach. One of the stops we always make before we get to the beach is the Tregembo Animal Park. This is a family-owned Zoo that is a few miles from the beach. This Zoo is super small; it only takes around forty-five minutes to walk the whole thing compared to the almost three or more hours it takes to walk North Carolina Zoo. But the thing about this zoo is that it has more species of animals than the North Carolina Zoo in a smaller space. One other thing about this zoo is that they have free roaming animals like peacocks and ducks roaming the zoo. This zoo also owns a lot of different specie s that you rarely see at any other zoo like sloths and living with the sloths are tortoises, which is funny because they put the two slowest species into the same enclosure. ...